Engagement: Introduction to Engagement Studies
Dedicated to the idea of engagement, the volume presents collected essays by members of the Group for Engagement Studies. The aim of the volume is both ambitious – to offer a foundation for the field of engagement studies – and modest – to do so by offering different possible disciplinary guidelines for questioning the multilayered concept of engagement. Always immersed in practice, the meaning of engagement is inseparable from the activities of individuals and groups struggling towards a goal, most often associated with social and political change. Across five parts, the volume seeks to explain who is engaged, show the connection between engagement and social movements that react to a particular social moment, situate engagement in public and private spaces, sometimes erasing the boundary in-between, question the role of intellectuals prescribing social engagement, as well as consider engagement’s very breakthrough in social theory and literature. In aim and intention, Engagement is a first-of-its-kind collection in the Western Balkan region and beyond. At the same time, it is a representative glossary of intellectual voices, brought together by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory.