The Laboratory for Philanthropy, Solidarity, and Care Studies (SolidCare Lab) engages in the interdisciplinary study and reflection of the notions and the role of philanthropy, solidarity, and care in contemporary societies.
The Laboratory for Philanthropy, Solidarity, and Care Studies (SolidCare Lab) engages in the interdisciplinary study and reflection of the notions and the role of philanthropy, solidarity, and care in contemporary societies.
The concepts of philanthropy, solidarity, and care as well as their importance for individuals, society and the political community, have long been on the margins of research in social-scientific and humanistic disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, economics and philosophy. In recent years, however, researching these phenomena has proliferated: philanthropy, solidarity, and care, indeed, have become one of the key notions for understanding the relationship both between individuals and within the wider social and political community.
Through rigorous empirical and theoretical research, educational initiatives as well as collaboration with academic institutions, civil society, and governmental organizations and bodies, SolidCare Lab strives to illuminate the dimensions, roles, and status of philanthropy, solidarity, and care, while taking into account their historical significance and the challenges of our contemporary time. Our efforts aim to contribute to a better understanding of policies and institutions whose role should be to ensure the well-being of all individuals, various forms of communities, and society.
1. Conferences:
- 2023. In the Frictions: Fragments of Care, Health and Well-being in the Balkans. (In cooperation with the University of Zadar, supported by: the Wenner Gren foundation).
2. Discussions:
- 2024. Open Discussion on Pain: Roundtable Discussion. Participants: Andrija Jurić, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Dejan Nešić, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Head of the Pain Medicine Department, Ljiljana Pantović, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, Jasna Hrnčić, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade.
- 2022. Mental Health: A Discussion between Medical Anthropologists. Participants: Peter Loc, Northwestern University; Ivan Đorđević, The Institute for Ethnography; Jelena Kupsjak, University of Zadar and Ljiljana Pantović, IFDT.
- 2022. Local Foundations in Serbia. Participants: Marija Mitrović, Trag Foundation; Bojana Radovanović, IFDT; Jelena Vasiljavić, IFDT; Nikola Rajković, Local Foundation Stara Pazova.
- 2021. How and Why Teach Philanthropy? (In cooperation with sa EduLab, IFDT and the Divac Foundation). Participants: Jelena Lončar, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade; Natalija Perišić, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade; Vukašin Kuč, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade; Željko Mitkovski, The Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation; Đurđa Trajković, Reconstruction Women’s Fund; Bojana Radovanović, IFDT (moderator); Predrag Krstić, IFDT (moderator).
- 2021. (Non)solidarity and the European Union: Breakdown or a New Beginning? Participants: Filip Ejdus, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade; Jelena Vasiljević, IFDT; Srđan Majstorović, Center for European Politics, Centar za evropske politike; Igor Štiks, Faculty for Media and Communications, Singidunum University.
- 2021. The Global Ethics of Care. Participants: Estelle Ferrarese, Picardie-Jules-Verne University; Fiona Robinson, Carleton University; Guillaume Le Blanc, University Paris-Diderot; Sarah Clark Miller,Pennsylvania State University; Marko Konjović, IFDT and Zona Zarić IFDT.
- 2021. Kriza i oporavak, od ranjivosti do autonomije. Participants: Jasna Hrnčić, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade; Slobodan Cvejić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade; Dušan Ristić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad; Ljiljana Pantović, IFDT; Aleksandra Bulatović, IFDT and Adriana Zaharijević, IFDT.
3. Lectures:
- 2023. Theorizing Solidarity through Citizenship: Key-Note Lecture at the International Conference Solidarity and Support in a Post-Welfare Era, Skopje, North Macedonia, Jelena Vasiljević, IFDT.
- 2022. Women, Work and Social Reproduction after 1989, Sonja Avlijaš, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
- 2021. In the Ruins of Transition: the Ethnography of (mental) Health in Croatia, Jelena Kupsjak, University of Zadar
- 2021. The Concepts and Practices of Solidarity and Philanthropy, Bojana Radovanović and Jelena Vasiljević, IFDT
4. Book Seminars:
- 2023. Between Negligence and Ignorance: Women, Sexuality and Family Planning in Yugoslavia (1918–1991), Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić (in cooperation with YugoLab, IFDT). Participants: Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić, Institute for Contemporary History; Sanja Petrović Todosijević, Institute for Recent History of Serbia; Ljiljana Pantović, IFDT; Jelena Ćeriman, IFDT and Milica Sekulović, IFDT
- 2022. Renaissance in Medicine: From the Object Patient to the Co-Creator of Their Own Health, Vuk Stambolović
5. Reading Groups:
- 2022. The Notion of the Common Good in Historical Perspective (Srđan Prodanović, Bojana Radovanović)
- 2021. The Ethics and Politics of Care (Ljiljana Pantović, Zona Zarić)
- 2020. The Capability/Capabilities Approach (Marko Konjović, Bojana Radovanović)
Irena Molnar
Mirjana Nećak
External associates:
Andrej Jeftić (The Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches, Director)
Jelena Kupšjak (University of Zadar)
Vuk Vuković (KU Leuven)
- Konjović, Marko, Bojana Radovanović, Aleksandra Bulatović (2024). “Šta možemo da radimo i kakve živote možemo da vodimo?: Blagostanje, razvoj i pravda.” Političke perspektive 14 (1): 7–31.
- Pantović, Ljiljana, Bojana Radovanović, Adriana Zaharijević (2024). “Caregiving for Older Adults in Times of the Covid 19 Pandemic in Serbia: A Gendered Perspective.” In: Anca Dohotariu, Ana Paula Gil and Lubica Voanská (eds.). The Politicisation and Gendering of Care for Older People. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Predrag Krstić (2024). “Humanitarizam na klackalici etike i politike.” Temida 27 (1): 95–110.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra (2023). “Socijalno-ekološki pristup saradnji Srbije i Kosova.” U: Filip Balunović, Belgzim Kamberi, Aleksandar Pavlović, Visar Ymeri (prir.). Kosovo – Srbija: drugačiji pristup, Beograd: Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari – Priština i Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju – Beograd, pp. 97–108.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra “Noise and Well-Being”, 14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise, Belgrade, 2023.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra “Enhancing individual resilience through philosophical consultations”, The 17th International Conference on Philosophical Practice: „Sophia, counseling and intercultural approach to philosophical practice”, The Romanian Association of Philosophical and Ethical Counseling, Timisoara, 2023.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra (with Fatić, Aleksandar and Korać, Srđan) “What is normalcy?”, in: L. Janeš, S. Kožić, Bioetička motrišta o mentalnom zdravlju (Bioethical viewpoints on mental health), Centar za bioetiku Fakulteta filozofije i religijskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, pp. 75-96.
- Krstić, Predrag (2023). “Ženski rod prosvećenosti: između elitnih i egalitarnih salona.” U: Predrag Krstić (prir.). Salon i društvenost: žene od/za pera? Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, pp. 9–30.
- Krstić, Predrag (2023). “Kako smo oduvek bili posthumani?” Etnoantropološki problemi 18 (2): 329–350.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Srđan Prodanović (2023). “Opšte dobro, javni interes i zajedničko: konceptualna razgraničenja u istorijskoj perspektivi i savremene dileme.” Sociologija LXV (3).
- Vasiljević, Jelena (2023). “A Crisis of Political Solidarity in the European Union and the Western Balkans: Reactive vs. Institutional Solidarity.” Southeastern Europe. L’Europe du Sud-Est (46) 3: 225–247.
- Clark Miller, Sarah, Estelle Ferrarese, Guillaume Le Blanc, Fiona Robinson, Marko Konjović, Zona Zarić (2022). “The Ethics and Politics of Care in Times of Crises.” Philosophy and Society 33 (4): 934–946.
- Krstić, Predrag (2022). “Mačje oko ili razgolićena filozofija.” U: Suzana Marjanić, Rosana Ratkovčić (prir). Mačkozbornik: Od Bastet do Catwoman. Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk, Kulturno informativni centar, pp. 631–652.
- Pantović, Ljiljana (2022). “Providing a Service or Seeking a Favor? The Role of Private Prenatal Care on the Continuity of Care in Serbian Public Maternity Hospitals.” Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care.
- Pantović, Ljiljana, Zona Zarić (2022). “Care in the Anthropocene: Acting with Compassion.” Philosophy and Society 33 (4): 881–894.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Jelena Vasiljević (2022). Lokalne fondacije u Srbiji: Osnaživanje odozdo – uloga, izazovi i perspektive za razvoj lokalnih fondacija. Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Trag fondacija.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Predrag Krstić (2022). “Humanizam i humanizmi: (ra)stezanje pojma.” Kultura 177: 5–21.
- Zaharijević, Adriana (2022). “Equal Bodies: The Notion of the Precarious in Judith Butler’s Work.” European Journal of Women’s Studies,
- Bulatović, Aleksandra, Fatić, Aleksandar (2021) „Moralna normativnost i duševno zdravlje: lakanovsko razumevanje neuroze i psihoze u svetlu integrativne terapije”, u: Borislav Mikulić, Mislav Žitko, Srđan Damnjanović (prir.) Psihoanaliza i njene sudbine, Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Zagrebu, 203–218.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra (2021) „Žene i bezbednost ⸺ Integrativni pristup otpornosti” u: Sanja Ćopić, Antonijević, Zorana (prir.) Feminizam, aktivizam, politike: Proizvodnja znanja na poluperiferiji, Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 431–442.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra, Pavićević, Olivera (2021), “Evolving framework for an alternative resilience to resilient capitalism”, in: Vesna Stanković-Pejnović, V. (ed.), Beyond capitalism and Neoliberalism, Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies, 339–351.
- Krstić, Predrag (2021). “Gastroenterološka rekonstrukcija pretenzije na univerzalnost.” U: Dragan Prole (prir.). Proždrljivost: zbornik. Novi Sad: Adresa, pp. 91–123.
- Krstić, Pregrad (2021). “Biopolemološka istorija planete.” U: Nemanja Đukić (prir.). Film i identitet: istraživanje društveno-političke upotrebe filma. Banja Luka: Univerzitet u Banja Luci, Fakultet političkih nauka, pp. 119–140.
- Radovanović, Bojana (2021). O čemu govorimo kada govorimo o filantropiji? Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu.
- Ristić, Aleksandar J., Adriana Zaharijević, Nenad Milčić (2021). “Foucault’s Concept of Clinical Gaze Today.” Health Care Analysis 29: 99–111.
- Vasiljević, Jelena (2021). “Solidarity Reasoning and Citizenship Agendas: From Socialist Yugoslavia to Neoliberal Serbia.” East European Politics & Societies and Cultures 35 (2): 271–292.
- Zaharijević, Adriana (2021). “Contra o indivíduo: que é qualificado como “um”?” Revista discurso 51 (2): 71–89.
- Zaharijević, Adriana, Predrag Krstić (2021). “O pobuni stomaka.” U: Dragan Prole (prir.). Proždrljivost: zbornik. Novi Sad: Adresa, pp. 50–90.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Marko Konjović (prir.) (2020). Blagostanje, razvoj i društvena pravda. Beograd/Novi Sad: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu/Akademska Knjiga.
Texts and Translations:
- Predrag Krstić i Adriana Zaharijević, translations of texts on peace: Bertha von Suttner, Leo Tolstoy, Mark Twain, William James, Emma Goldman, Mary Whiton Calkins, Albert Einstein, Bertrand Rasel, Radio Belgrade 3.
Media Appearances:
- Ljiljana Pantović, “Šta te boli?”: RTS 2, emisija Studio znanja
- Bojana Radovanović, “Snaga lepe misli i dobrog dela”: RTS 2, emisija Studio znanja
- Jelena Vasiljević, “Između tuge i života”: Insajder TV, emisija U ringu: regarding the anniversary of the mass shootings in May 2023.
- Aleksandra Bulatović, “Otvoreno o bolu”: UNA TV, emisija Popodne Srbija: regarding the round-table discussion “Openly about Pain” held at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade in April 2024.
- Aleksandra Bulatović, “Mislilište”: Dan uživo, TV N1: guest appearance, September 2024.
- Aleksandra Bulatović, “Vrline i vrednosti”: Dan uživo, TV N1: guest appearance, August 2023.
- Aleksandra Bulatović, “Kako ljudi reaguju na krize?”: News Night, TV N1: guest appearance, September 2022.
No event found!NEWS
The Laboratory for Philanthropy, Solidarity, and Care Studies (SolidCare Lab) engages in the interdisciplinary study and reflection of the notions and the role of philanthropy, solidarity, and care in contemporary societies.
The concepts of philanthropy, solidarity, and care as well as their importance for individuals, society and the political community, have long been on the margins of research in social-scientific and humanistic disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, economics and philosophy. In recent years, however, researching these phenomena has proliferated: philanthropy, solidarity, and care, indeed, have become one of the key notions for understanding the relationship both between individuals and within the wider social and political community.
Through rigorous empirical and theoretical research, educational initiatives as well as collaboration with academic institutions, civil society, and governmental organizations and bodies, SolidCare Lab strives to illuminate the dimensions, roles, and status of philanthropy, solidarity, and care, while taking into account their historical significance and the challenges of our contemporary time. Our efforts aim to contribute to a better understanding of policies and institutions whose role should be to ensure the well-being of all individuals, various forms of communities, and society.
1. Conferences:
- 2023. In the Frictions: Fragments of Care, Health and Well-being in the Balkans. (In cooperation with the University of Zadar, supported by: the Wenner Gren foundation).
2. Discussions:
- 2024. Open Discussion on Pain: Roundtable Discussion. Participants: Andrija Jurić, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Dejan Nešić, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Head of the Pain Medicine Department, Ljiljana Pantović, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, Jasna Hrnčić, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade.
- 2022. Mental Health: A Discussion between Medical Anthropologists. Participants: Peter Loc, Northwestern University; Ivan Đorđević, The Institute for Ethnography; Jelena Kupsjak, University of Zadar and Ljiljana Pantović, IFDT.
- 2022. Local Foundations in Serbia. Participants: Marija Mitrović, Trag Foundation; Bojana Radovanović, IFDT; Jelena Vasiljavić, IFDT; Nikola Rajković, Local Foundation Stara Pazova.
- 2021. How and Why Teach Philanthropy? (In cooperation with sa EduLab, IFDT and the Divac Foundation). Participants: Jelena Lončar, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade; Natalija Perišić, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade; Vukašin Kuč, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade; Željko Mitkovski, The Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation; Đurđa Trajković, Reconstruction Women’s Fund; Bojana Radovanović, IFDT (moderator); Predrag Krstić, IFDT (moderator).
- 2021. (Non)solidarity and the European Union: Breakdown or a New Beginning? Participants: Filip Ejdus, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade; Jelena Vasiljević, IFDT; Srđan Majstorović, Center for European Politics, Centar za evropske politike; Igor Štiks, Faculty for Media and Communications, Singidunum University.
- 2021. The Global Ethics of Care. Participants: Estelle Ferrarese, Picardie-Jules-Verne University; Fiona Robinson, Carleton University; Guillaume Le Blanc, University Paris-Diderot; Sarah Clark Miller,Pennsylvania State University; Marko Konjović, IFDT and Zona Zarić IFDT.
- 2021. Kriza i oporavak, od ranjivosti do autonomije. Participants: Jasna Hrnčić, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade; Slobodan Cvejić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade; Dušan Ristić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad; Ljiljana Pantović, IFDT; Aleksandra Bulatović, IFDT and Adriana Zaharijević, IFDT.
3. Lectures:
- 2023. Theorizing Solidarity through Citizenship: Key-Note Lecture at the International Conference Solidarity and Support in a Post-Welfare Era, Skopje, North Macedonia, Jelena Vasiljević, IFDT.
- 2022. Women, Work and Social Reproduction after 1989, Sonja Avlijaš, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
- 2021. In the Ruins of Transition: the Ethnography of (mental) Health in Croatia, Jelena Kupsjak, University of Zadar
- 2021. The Concepts and Practices of Solidarity and Philanthropy, Bojana Radovanović and Jelena Vasiljević, IFDT
4. Book Seminars:
- 2023. Between Negligence and Ignorance: Women, Sexuality and Family Planning in Yugoslavia (1918–1991), Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić (in cooperation with YugoLab, IFDT). Participants: Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić, Institute for Contemporary History; Sanja Petrović Todosijević, Institute for Recent History of Serbia; Ljiljana Pantović, IFDT; Jelena Ćeriman, IFDT and Milica Sekulović, IFDT
- 2022. Renaissance in Medicine: From the Object Patient to the Co-Creator of Their Own Health, Vuk Stambolović
5. Reading Groups:
- 2022. The Notion of the Common Good in Historical Perspective (Srđan Prodanović, Bojana Radovanović)
- 2021. The Ethics and Politics of Care (Ljiljana Pantović, Zona Zarić)
- 2020. The Capability/Capabilities Approach (Marko Konjović, Bojana Radovanović)
Irena Molnar
Mirjana NećakExternal associates:
Andrej Jeftić (The Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches, Director)
Jelena Kupšjak (University of Zadar)
Vuk Vuković (KU Leuven)- PUBLICATIONS
- Konjović, Marko, Bojana Radovanović, Aleksandra Bulatović (2024). “Šta možemo da radimo i kakve živote možemo da vodimo?: Blagostanje, razvoj i pravda.” Političke perspektive 14 (1): 7–31.
- Pantović, Ljiljana, Bojana Radovanović, Adriana Zaharijević (2024). “Caregiving for Older Adults in Times of the Covid 19 Pandemic in Serbia: A Gendered Perspective.” In: Anca Dohotariu, Ana Paula Gil and Lubica Voanská (eds.). The Politicisation and Gendering of Care for Older People. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Predrag Krstić (2024). “Humanitarizam na klackalici etike i politike.” Temida 27 (1): 95–110.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra (2023). “Socijalno-ekološki pristup saradnji Srbije i Kosova.” U: Filip Balunović, Belgzim Kamberi, Aleksandar Pavlović, Visar Ymeri (prir.). Kosovo – Srbija: drugačiji pristup, Beograd: Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari – Priština i Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju – Beograd, pp. 97–108.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra “Noise and Well-Being”, 14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise, Belgrade, 2023.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra “Enhancing individual resilience through philosophical consultations”, The 17th International Conference on Philosophical Practice: „Sophia, counseling and intercultural approach to philosophical practice”, The Romanian Association of Philosophical and Ethical Counseling, Timisoara, 2023.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra (with Fatić, Aleksandar and Korać, Srđan) “What is normalcy?”, in: L. Janeš, S. Kožić, Bioetička motrišta o mentalnom zdravlju (Bioethical viewpoints on mental health), Centar za bioetiku Fakulteta filozofije i religijskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, pp. 75-96.
- Krstić, Predrag (2023). “Ženski rod prosvećenosti: između elitnih i egalitarnih salona.” U: Predrag Krstić (prir.). Salon i društvenost: žene od/za pera? Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, pp. 9–30.
- Krstić, Predrag (2023). “Kako smo oduvek bili posthumani?” Etnoantropološki problemi 18 (2): 329–350.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Srđan Prodanović (2023). “Opšte dobro, javni interes i zajedničko: konceptualna razgraničenja u istorijskoj perspektivi i savremene dileme.” Sociologija LXV (3).
- Vasiljević, Jelena (2023). “A Crisis of Political Solidarity in the European Union and the Western Balkans: Reactive vs. Institutional Solidarity.” Southeastern Europe. L’Europe du Sud-Est (46) 3: 225–247.
- Clark Miller, Sarah, Estelle Ferrarese, Guillaume Le Blanc, Fiona Robinson, Marko Konjović, Zona Zarić (2022). “The Ethics and Politics of Care in Times of Crises.” Philosophy and Society 33 (4): 934–946.
- Krstić, Predrag (2022). “Mačje oko ili razgolićena filozofija.” U: Suzana Marjanić, Rosana Ratkovčić (prir). Mačkozbornik: Od Bastet do Catwoman. Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk, Kulturno informativni centar, pp. 631–652.
- Pantović, Ljiljana (2022). “Providing a Service or Seeking a Favor? The Role of Private Prenatal Care on the Continuity of Care in Serbian Public Maternity Hospitals.” Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care.
- Pantović, Ljiljana, Zona Zarić (2022). “Care in the Anthropocene: Acting with Compassion.” Philosophy and Society 33 (4): 881–894.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Jelena Vasiljević (2022). Lokalne fondacije u Srbiji: Osnaživanje odozdo – uloga, izazovi i perspektive za razvoj lokalnih fondacija. Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Trag fondacija.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Predrag Krstić (2022). “Humanizam i humanizmi: (ra)stezanje pojma.” Kultura 177: 5–21.
- Zaharijević, Adriana (2022). “Equal Bodies: The Notion of the Precarious in Judith Butler’s Work.” European Journal of Women’s Studies,
- Bulatović, Aleksandra, Fatić, Aleksandar (2021) „Moralna normativnost i duševno zdravlje: lakanovsko razumevanje neuroze i psihoze u svetlu integrativne terapije”, u: Borislav Mikulić, Mislav Žitko, Srđan Damnjanović (prir.) Psihoanaliza i njene sudbine, Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Zagrebu, 203–218.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra (2021) „Žene i bezbednost ⸺ Integrativni pristup otpornosti” u: Sanja Ćopić, Antonijević, Zorana (prir.) Feminizam, aktivizam, politike: Proizvodnja znanja na poluperiferiji, Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 431–442.
- Bulatović, Aleksandra, Pavićević, Olivera (2021), “Evolving framework for an alternative resilience to resilient capitalism”, in: Vesna Stanković-Pejnović, V. (ed.), Beyond capitalism and Neoliberalism, Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies, 339–351.
- Krstić, Predrag (2021). “Gastroenterološka rekonstrukcija pretenzije na univerzalnost.” U: Dragan Prole (prir.). Proždrljivost: zbornik. Novi Sad: Adresa, pp. 91–123.
- Krstić, Pregrad (2021). “Biopolemološka istorija planete.” U: Nemanja Đukić (prir.). Film i identitet: istraživanje društveno-političke upotrebe filma. Banja Luka: Univerzitet u Banja Luci, Fakultet političkih nauka, pp. 119–140.
- Radovanović, Bojana (2021). O čemu govorimo kada govorimo o filantropiji? Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu.
- Ristić, Aleksandar J., Adriana Zaharijević, Nenad Milčić (2021). “Foucault’s Concept of Clinical Gaze Today.” Health Care Analysis 29: 99–111.
- Vasiljević, Jelena (2021). “Solidarity Reasoning and Citizenship Agendas: From Socialist Yugoslavia to Neoliberal Serbia.” East European Politics & Societies and Cultures 35 (2): 271–292.
- Zaharijević, Adriana (2021). “Contra o indivíduo: que é qualificado como “um”?” Revista discurso 51 (2): 71–89.
- Zaharijević, Adriana, Predrag Krstić (2021). “O pobuni stomaka.” U: Dragan Prole (prir.). Proždrljivost: zbornik. Novi Sad: Adresa, pp. 50–90.
- Radovanović, Bojana, Marko Konjović (prir.) (2020). Blagostanje, razvoj i društvena pravda. Beograd/Novi Sad: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu/Akademska Knjiga.
Texts and Translations:
- Predrag Krstić i Adriana Zaharijević, translations of texts on peace: Bertha von Suttner, Leo Tolstoy, Mark Twain, William James, Emma Goldman, Mary Whiton Calkins, Albert Einstein, Bertrand Rasel, Radio Belgrade 3.
Media Appearances:
- Ljiljana Pantović, “Šta te boli?”: RTS 2, emisija Studio znanja
- Bojana Radovanović, “Snaga lepe misli i dobrog dela”: RTS 2, emisija Studio znanja
- Jelena Vasiljević, “Između tuge i života”: Insajder TV, emisija U ringu: regarding the anniversary of the mass shootings in May 2023.
- Aleksandra Bulatović, “Otvoreno o bolu”: UNA TV, emisija Popodne Srbija: regarding the round-table discussion “Openly about Pain” held at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade in April 2024.
- Aleksandra Bulatović, “Mislilište”: Dan uživo, TV N1: guest appearance, September 2024.
- Aleksandra Bulatović, “Vrline i vrednosti”: Dan uživo, TV N1: guest appearance, August 2023.
- Aleksandra Bulatović, “Kako ljudi reaguju na krize?”: News Night, TV N1: guest appearance, September 2022.
- Projects