PerspectLab – Laboratory for the Theory, Creation, and Politics of Space combines a theoretical understanding of spatial and social sciences with practical and political approaches to pressing issues such as space creation; the projection of justice across the spatial scale of architecture, urban forms, and territories; citizen participation in decision-making; housing (and its commodification); segregation, gentrification, and privatization; urban commons; endangerment of cultural heritage and natural resources.
PerspectLab gathers experts in architecture, philosophy, heritage, history of art, anthropology and sociology who provide a scientific research core to an international network of individuals, civil organizations, activist groups, social movements, as well as academic and other institutions.
The findings gained from research projects and theoretical analysis are continuously presented at conferences and in publications, as well as challenged through debates and round tables. PerspectLab’s mission is to find effective pathways for the application of scientific research on this cluster of topics, thus positioning itself as a locus of communication between the scientific community and the broader public.
- Annual Summer School on boat “Waterscapes in Heritage and Environment,” in collaboration with the University of Bergamo.
- Annual Summer School “Architecture & Philosophy,” held in Cres, Croatia, in collaboration with the University of Rijeka, Technische Universität Berlin, Politecnico di Torino.
- Annual Conference “Moise Architectural Seminar,” held in Cres Croatia, in collaboration with DeltaLab, University of Rijeka.
External associates:
Bougleux Elena (University of Bergamo)
Ćurčić Danilo (A11 iniciative)
Milošević Branko (Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade)
Morezzi Emanuele (Politecnico di Torino)
Timotijević Jovana (Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade)
Vesnić Snežana (Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade)
- Iguman, Sanja and Neil Galway (2024) “The Battle for Belgrade’s Historic Riverfront: Citizen Resistance to Radical Urban Changes.” Pp. in Handbook of Politics and Heritage. London: Routledge.
- Bojanić, Sanja, Jelena Ćeriman, Sara Nikolić (2023), “Upotreba foto-elicitacije u sociologiji: kontekstualizacija siromaštva i društvene isključenosti.” Revija za sociologiju 53(3):429–457.
- Nikolić, Sara (2023), “Burning Tires, Sauerkraut and Dung: The (Classist) Boundaries of an Olfactory Landscape.” Pp. 155–173 in Sensory Environmental Relationships: Between Memories of the Past and Imaginings of the Future, Blaž Bajič and Ana Svetel (Eds.). Delaware: Vernon Press.
- Vesnić, Snežana, Petar Bojanić, and Miloš Ćipranić (2023), “Object as a Series of Its Acts.” Filozofski vestnik 44(3):131–144.
- Bojanić, Petar (2022), In-Statuere. Figures of Institutional Building. Translated by E. Djordjevic. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
- Ćipranić, Miloš (2022), Opisi arhitektonskih objekata u antici. Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju / Orion Art.
- Iguman, Sanja, Nevena Mijatović, and Sara Nikolić (2022), “‘Keep up the Good Work, Za naš Kej!’ Citizens’ Passive Support to the Local Activist Group.” Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society 33(1):120-142.
- Iguman, Sanja (2021), “Urban Rivers in Belgrade, Serbia: Radical Transformations and Illegal Urban Practices in a Post-Socialist Capital.” Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo 23(2):1–17.
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PerspectLab gathers experts in architecture, philosophy, heritage, history of art, anthropology and sociology who provide a scientific research core to an international network of individuals, civil organizations, activist groups, social movements, as well as academic and other institutions.
The findings gained from research projects and theoretical analysis are continuously presented at conferences and in publications, as well as challenged through debates and round tables. PerspectLab’s mission is to find effective pathways for the application of scientific research on this cluster of topics, thus positioning itself as a locus of communication between the scientific community and the broader public.
- Annual Summer School on boat “Waterscapes in Heritage and Environment,” in collaboration with the University of Bergamo.
- Annual Summer School “Architecture & Philosophy,” held in Cres, Croatia, in collaboration with the University of Rijeka, Technische Universität Berlin, Politecnico di Torino.
- Annual Conference “Moise Architectural Seminar,” held in Cres Croatia, in collaboration with DeltaLab, University of Rijeka.
External associates:
Bougleux Elena (University of Bergamo)
Ćurčić Danilo (A11 iniciative)
Milošević Branko (Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade)
Morezzi Emanuele (Politecnico di Torino)
Timotijević Jovana (Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade)
Vesnić Snežana (Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade)- PUBLICATIONS
- Iguman, Sanja and Neil Galway (2024) “The Battle for Belgrade’s Historic Riverfront: Citizen Resistance to Radical Urban Changes.” Pp. in Handbook of Politics and Heritage. London: Routledge.
- Bojanić, Sanja, Jelena Ćeriman, Sara Nikolić (2023), “Upotreba foto-elicitacije u sociologiji: kontekstualizacija siromaštva i društvene isključenosti.” Revija za sociologiju 53(3):429–457.
- Nikolić, Sara (2023), “Burning Tires, Sauerkraut and Dung: The (Classist) Boundaries of an Olfactory Landscape.” Pp. 155–173 in Sensory Environmental Relationships: Between Memories of the Past and Imaginings of the Future, Blaž Bajič and Ana Svetel (Eds.). Delaware: Vernon Press.
- Vesnić, Snežana, Petar Bojanić, and Miloš Ćipranić (2023), “Object as a Series of Its Acts.” Filozofski vestnik 44(3):131–144.
- Bojanić, Petar (2022), In-Statuere. Figures of Institutional Building. Translated by E. Djordjevic. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
- Ćipranić, Miloš (2022), Opisi arhitektonskih objekata u antici. Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju / Orion Art.
- Iguman, Sanja, Nevena Mijatović, and Sara Nikolić (2022), “‘Keep up the Good Work, Za naš Kej!’ Citizens’ Passive Support to the Local Activist Group.” Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society 33(1):120-142.
- Iguman, Sanja (2021), “Urban Rivers in Belgrade, Serbia: Radical Transformations and Illegal Urban Practices in a Post-Socialist Capital.” Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo 23(2):1–17.