Telefon: (+381 11) 26 46 242
Mob. (+381 60) 45 45 031
Petar Bojanić received his BA and MA from Belgrade University, his MA from EHESS (Paris) and PhD from Paris 10. He has taught at Cornell, Aberdeen, and Belgrade Universities.
Research Expertise and Interest:
Philosophy (Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Phenomenology, Social Ontology, Architectural Philosophy, Jewish Political Tradition)
Selected publications:
- (2023) sa V. Čezaroneom, The Gesture, Mimesis International, Milano, 82.
- (2022) Этика войны в странах православной культуры, научный редактор, Санкт-Петербург, „Владимир Даль“, 311.
- (2022) In-Statuere. Figures of Institutional Building, Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 392.
- (2022) Провокация. Воззвание и право на переворот, Екатеринбург, Kabinetnый učenый, 100.
- (2021) Violencia y mesianismo, Madrid, Trotta, 168.
- (2021) Provocatio: Vocativo ius rivoluzione, Milano – Udine, Mimesis Edizioni, 94.
- (2020) Projekt i projektne radnje. Prilozi arhitektonsko-filozofskom rečniku, Belgrade – Novi Sad, IFDT – Akademska knjiga, 241.
- (2020) sa T. Andinom (ur.), Institutions in Action. The Nature and the Role of Institutions in the Real World [Institucije u akciji. Priroda i uloga institucija u stvarnom svetu], Berlin, Springer, 157.
- (2020) „What Is an Act of Engagement? Between the Social, Collegial and Institutional Protocols“, Institutions in Action, 37–51.
- (2019) sa P. Fenves, M. Ty (ur.), „What is the Critique of Violence Now?“, Critical Times, Vol. 2, n. 2, 132.
- (2019) sa V. Djokić (ur.), Živeti zajedno, Beograd, Arhitektonski fakultet, 381.
- (2019) Война и ответственность в рефлексии интеллектуалов (1918–1938) [Rat i odgovornost u promišljanju intelektualaca (1918–1938)], Екатеринбург, Кабинетный ученый, 268.
- (2018) Violence and Messianism. Jewish Philosophy and the Great Conflicts of the 20th Century (trans. E. Djordjevic ), London – New York, Routledge, 128.
Director of Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeastern Europe
Director of the Center for Advanced Studies – South East Europe, University of Rijeka
Chief and co-editor: Journal for Architecture and Philosophy
Visiting professor
The European Graduate School, Sas-Fe
The Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade
International University College of Turin
Postgraduate university study Philosophy and modernity, University of Rijeka