The Political Community: Conception of the Political Community in the Liberal – Communitarian Debate
Author(s)/Editors Michal Sládeček Publisher Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade „Filip Višnjić“, Belgrade Published 2008 ISBN 978-86-82417-19-4 Pages 246 Edition FronesisThis book analyzes the most prominent voices in liberal and communitarian theories, examining the ways of transcending one-sided aspects of these positions regarding the idea of the political community. Although in its original, Rawlsian form, contemporary liberalism has a negative attitude towards the possibility of building a political community as it is promoted in communitarianism, certain strands of liberalism are more receptive to its desirability in a pluralist state. On the other hand, communitarianism has mostly abandoned adopting a pre-political community as a model for political reciprocity, considering the political community as republican. A defense of individual rights is not incompatible with the general or common good, but ought to support the correct and sound norm according to which individuals ought to bring their interests in line with that of the community.