What We Mean when We Say… Solidarity of Global Supply Chains
Author(s) Milan Škobić Publisher Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe, Belgrade Published 2023 ISBN 978-86-82324-37-9 Pages 16 Edition SquareThis public policy proposal maps the existing obstacles to the building of relations of solidarity in the automobile industry in Serbia. The proposals are intended for unions, employers and state actors that recognize the importance of building relations of solidarity in workplaces with the goal of increasing the offer of decent jobs in the labor market. The proposal identifies incongruity between offered salaries and employees needs and the power relations between different firms in the industry as the main challenges for the building of relations of solidarity. There is a need for greater cooperation between the state and employers in creating additional training and education opportunities, in particular for shopfloor employees. The state and unions should collaborate in creating a domestic base of suppliers for foreign automobile companies with alternative forms of ownership and incentive structures. Finally, relevant state actors should consider a reorientation of the development and industrial policies, as well as a shift from financial support for foreign investors.