Khōrein: Journal for Architecture and Philosophy

Khōrein: Journal for Architecture and Philosophy is a newly established academic journal published by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. The journal is dedicated to the dialogue between architecture and philosophy and the problematization of key concepts and protocols that make the connection between the two disciplines possible.

Open Call for Workshop on Visual and Architectural Ethnography: Invisible Realities 6-8.10.2023

The Laboratory for Theory, Creation and Politics of Space (PerspectLab) IFDT and the A11 Initiative for Economic and Social Rights invite you to join a multidisciplinary workshop that will focus on ethnographic methodology and fieldwork. During this unique workshop, participants who are interested in research work will have the opportunity to learn about different methodologies…

Serbian Communication Scientist, Ljubiša Bojić, Appointed to the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Foresight Expert Panel

Ljubiša Bojić, a Serbian communication scientist and futurologist, has been appointed to the Foresight Expert Panel by Andrea Hinwood, Chief Scientist of the United Nations Environment Programme. Bojić will join a panel of 19 distinguished scientists and experts from around the world. The Expert Panel will undertake significant work in preparation for the sixth United…

6th Summer School Architecture and Philosophy — “Architecture / Philosophy” (2023)

Venue: Moise Palace, Cres, Croatia Dates: June 26–28, 2023 Topic: Architecture / Philosophy Topic Editors: Petar Bojanić, Snežana Vesnić   Co-Directors: Petar Bojanić, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, CAS SEE, University of Rijeka, Snežana Vesnić, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Alessandro Armando, Politecnico di Torino   Organizers: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory,…

Call for Application: PhD Research Methodology: Design, Writing, Architectural History, Heritage

PhD Research Methodology: Design, Writing, Architectural History, Heritage Curated by Giovanni Durbiano & Snežana Vesnić   3rd Moise Architectural Seminar Cres 2023 4–6 September 2023 Moise Palace – Zagrad 6, 51557, Cres, Croatia We are pleased to announce that the call for interested participants for the 3rd Moise Architectural Seminar Cres 2023, 4-6 September 2023,…

The New Issue of Philosophy and Society (34/2) has been published

This issue of Philosophy and Society features a thematic section entitled The Politics of Trust: Recognition, Institutions, and Social Change. Moreover, this issue also includes original scientific articles on the importance of interdependence and responsible epistemic behavior in crises as well as on the politics of emptiness. Finally, this issue features reviews of Nadège Ragaru’s book about the Holocaust in Bulgaria and of Chantal Mouffe’s book about the green democratic revolution.