Saying Farewell to the Idea of a Constitutional Assembly? On the Cycle of Revolution in Serbia from 200 until 2007
Author(s)/Editors Aleksandar Molnar Publisher Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade Fabrika knjiga, Belgrade Published 2008 ISBN 978-86-7718-065-2 Pages 303 Edition Special editionAccording to the volume editors, the texts brought together here are a ‘chronicle of the appearance, waning and loss of hope’ that post-Milošević rule in Serbia would reform and modernize this society and bring the country into the European Union. The subjects of texts are a critique of the regime of Slobodan Milošević, advocacy for a constitutional assembly that would have democratic legitimacy, critique of the political elites after October 5th 2000, when Milošević was brought down, the breaking off of Montenegro, and the problem of the 2006 Serbian Constitution.