Name and Surname
Haisheng Hu

China State-owned Enterprises Research Center (CSERC)

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Short Biography

Haisheng Hu, received his Master of Public Administration from Nanyang Technological University and his Master of Science in International Business from the University of Birmingham. He specializes in international relations, political economy and geopolitical economy and sustainable development.
He has published three books, more than 60 review articles in China People’s Daily, China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Newspaper, Study Times, etc., and more than 10 academic articles in international journals, including Asian Political Economy, China Political Review and China Economy.


Research abstract

Harnessing the Belt and Road Initiative for Economic, Digital, and Green Transitions in the Western Balkans: Strategic Pathways to Democratic Resilience
The Western Balkans, a region characterized by political divisions, economic instability and environmental challenges, is at a critical juncture in its quest for integration into the broader European Union (EU) framework. At the same time, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) presents opportunities and challenges for sustainable development in the region. Using a combination of documentary and quantitative analyses, this study will assess the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative in terms of infrastructure investment, economic cooperation and policy coordination for the Western Balkans in terms of economic stability, digital transformation and environmental sustainability.