Name and Surname
Slađana Kavarić Mandić

Slađana Kavarić Mandić

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Short Biography

Slađana Kavarić Mandić (Podgorica, 1991) is a researcher, activist and poetess.
She earned her PhD from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Montenegro, becoming the first female philosopher to complete doctoral studies at Montenegro’s state university. Her primary research interests include Marxism, Praxis philosophy, the philosophy of art, and Critical Theory. She has authored several academic articles and the book Philosophy of Danko Grlić (Belgrade/Zagreb, 2022).
As an activist, Slađana co-founded the portal, where she contributes columns and organizes socially engaged forums.
She is also the author of two poetry collections, People from Nowhere and Pontevedra, with her work translated into English, Slovenian, and Greek.


Research abstract

Transforming Regional Ecological Thought: Artistic Practices at the Museums of Contemporary Art in Rijeka, Podgorica, and Belgrade
This research aims to evaluate and re-examine recent artistic actions within the field of ecological art, highlighting their undeniable potential for fostering broader societal emancipation and addressing the issues of unequal development in the Western Balkans. The project seeks to investigate museum exhibitions related to ecological activism, positioning itself as an academic response to the challenges of the green transition, which has been hindered in the Balkans by top-down political and economic strategies. This study will consider vibrant forms of ecological activism within the non-governmental sector as exemplary cases of cross-border cooperation. Furthermore, it will present methodological approaches for encoding ecological awareness within the artistic sphere and museum interventions, thereby universalizing the discourse and providing ideological and aesthetic valuations that amplify the impact of individual ecological victories for further artistic exploration.