Ivan Kadic: Digital 21st century of innovations in architecture, infrastructure, and smart cities
24. march
The digital age we live in has led to so far unseen and the ever-present possibility of innovation in all spheres of life. The topic of the presentations is innovation and creativity in the digital age, with a focus on architecture, overall infrastructure, and life in big cities, as leading advocates of innovative change in all urban environments. I would like to emphasize that the presentation is not only focused on innovations and creativity in architecture and infrastructure, but also in all areas that use new media technologies in creative and innovative ways.
Throughout the various projects, Kadic specialized full-cycle development, effectively taking the project from start to finish. It is precisely his architectural roots that taught Kadic to primarily focus on the foundations, as he is guided by that logic with different projects. Kadic’s enthusiasm has taken him into the mobile app development sector where, with the power of reliable systems and a data-driven approach, as CEO and co-founder, he created an innovative and efficient e-commerce mobile app 60seconds.