Matijević Tijana

After graduating in literary studies in Belgrade and Eastern European studies in Bologna, Tijana Matijević did her PhD at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg with the thesis From Post-Yugoslavia to the Female Continent: A Feminist Reading of Post-Yugoslav Literature (transcript 2020). Until 2023 Matijević was a teacher and a research associate at the Slavonic Studies departments of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. She explores continuities among Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav literatures and cultures, issues of aesthetic and ideology, alternative (avant-garde, feminist, left) history. She translates (Hunde und Andere, with Marie Alpermann, eta 2023), writes literary critique and since 2022 is the jury member of the literary award Biljana Jovanović.


Latest publications

  • The Age of Skin and the Epoch of an Author: A Eulogy to Dubravka Ugrešić”. Comparative Southeast Europan Studies, 71, 3. 434–447.
  • “The Historical Moment before Our Eyes: On Producing the Post- Yugoslav Literature”. U: Mijatović, Aleksandar/ Willems, Brian (ur.): Reconsidering (Post)- Yugoslav Time: Towards the Temporal Turn in the Critical Study of (Post)-Yugoslav Literatures. Leiden: BRILL. 39–56.
  • „Časopis Ženski pokret u debati o postjugoslovenskoj književnosti”. U: Milinković, Jelena/Svirčev, Žarka (ur.): Ženski pokret (1920–1938). Beograd: Institut  za književnost i umetnost. 499–511.
  • “Ein Versuch über Chernobyl: das Ende der Utopie im Fernsehen”. U: Bauer Iris/Drosihn, Yvonne/Kowollik, Eva/Matijević, Tijana/Sulikowska-Fajfer, Joanna (ur.): Close Reading – Distant Reading: Spannungsfelder der slavistischen Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften. Halle: Hallesche Beiträge, Band 9. 329–342.