Another Look: Contribution to the Study of Nationalism
Author(s)/Editors Milan Subotić Publisher Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade „Filip Višnjić“, Belgrade Published 2007 ISBN 978-86-82417-16-3 Pages 238 Edition FronesisThe book Another Look: Contribution to the Study of Nationalism is a thorough analysis and comparison of two classic theories of birth of nations: it looks at the debate between the modernist turn in the study of nations and nationalism by Ernest Gellner, and the ethnosymbiotic theory of Anthony Smith, which criticizes constructivist and instrumentalist assumptions of the modernist principle. The author presents the significance of the past and the question of the origin of nations (“do nations have a navel?”) as central to this debate. Gellner’s standpoint is that nations were created by the French Revolution, and that nothing before this moment is of great relevance for their examination; by contrast, Smith’s position is that premodern past is fundamental in how and whether a given nation will take shape. Aside from theoretical debates, the book considers how these theories can be applied to the question of European integration. Through questions of European integration and tradition, brought together in the twenty-first century, the author presents questions how and why we define Europe as a geographic, philosophical-historical, or even civilizational space.