What We Mean when We Say… Patriotism: Self-Sacrifice for the Common Good
Author(s) Rastislav Dinić Publisher Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe, Belgrade Published 2022 ISBN 978-86-82324-11-9 Pages 13 Edition Square
This publication considers the idea of patriotism, specifically, with the way this term has been misused in the Serbian political and public spheres in recent years, and how it can be reclaimed for progressive purposes. The paradigmatic image of patriotic self-sacrifice in war, which in Serbia forms the kernel of the regressive ethno-nationalist conception of patriotism and patriotic education, has been shown to lead to ideological abuse in direct contrast with the basic purpose of patriotism as loyalty to the common good. An example is found in the behavior of so-called “patriotic movements” that have been actively undermining vaccination efforts and other anti-pandemic measures, thus severely endangering the interests of the country they claim to hold in such high regard. Instead, this text offers a different conception of patriotism, focusing on more modest versions of self-sacrificing behavior and on practices and institutions that protect and enhance the public good. Again, an example is drawn from the recent pandemic: self-sacrificing behavior of many individuals during the pandemic, especially with those involved with essential public services.