What We Mean when We Say … Workforce – Potential and Utilization
Author(s) Marija Drobnjaković, Milena Panić, Vlasta Kokotović Kanazir Publisher Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe, Belgrade Published 2022 ISBN 978-86-82324-00-3 Pages 17 Edition Square
The workforce is treated as a generator of the development of society as a whole, the source of economic and demographic vitality. For this reason, it is the focus of researchers of various profiles and the subject of national institutional discussions. This research is aimed at identifying spatial patterns and understanding local characteristics of the workforce, as well as interpreting their causality. It is designed to simultaneously treat the potential of the workforce at the local level in Serbia, as well as the degree of its utilization, through an analysis of scope, structure (gender, age, activity, work, level of education), and other elements of employment (offer and demand of jobs). The derived typology of municipalities showed areas with “weak” and “strong” workforce potential, on which the guidelines for overcoming problems on the local labor market are based, with the aim of achieving a balanced development of local environments.