Cvetković Vladimir

Vladimir Cvetković obtained his BA and PhD in Philosophy from the University of Belgrade in 1997 and 2007 respectively. He has also been awarded a MA by thesis in Theology from Durham University in 2002. He has hold research and teaching positions at the universities of Aarhus (Denmark), St Andrews (Scotland, UK), Oslo (Norway) and Niš (Serbia). His research interests include Patristics, Ancient and Byzantine Philosophy and Modern Orthodox Theology.

Latest publications

  • (2023) (ed. with Alex Leonas), Studies in Maximus the Confessor’s Opuscula theologica et polemica, Turnhout: Brepols (ISBN-10: 2503600832).
  • (2023) (with Alex Leonas), ‘Introduction’, in: V. Cvetković and A. Leonas (eds), Studies in Maximus the Confessor’s Opuscula theologica et polemica, Turnhout: Brepols,  9-22 (ISBN-10: 2503600832).
  • (2023) (with Ana Lipij and Ljubiša Bojić), „Veštačka inteligencija i sveti oci: svetootački vodič kroz izazove veštačke inteligencije i superinteligencije” [Artificial Intelligence and Church Fathers: A Patristic Guide to the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Superintelligence], Crkvene studije – Church Studies 20, 193-209 (ISSN 1820-2446).
  • (2023) „Neopatrstička sinteza“ [Neopatristic Synthesis], u Rodoljub Kubat (ed.), Leksikon biblijske hermeneutike  [Lexicon of Biblical Hermeneutics], Beograd: Službeni glasnik; Filon, 410-411 (ISBN 978-86-519-2907-9)
  • (2022) ‘Serbian Patriarch Porfirije: Old Challenges and New Hopes’, Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 74/3-4, 203-241 (ISSN:1783-1555)
  • (2022) ‘Evolution, Communion, and Vaccines: Science and Theology Debates in the Serbian Orthodox Church’, Analogia 17, 55-70 (ISSN: 2529-0967).
  • (2022) (ed. with Dragan Bakić), Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović: Old Controversies in Historical and Theological Context, Alhambra, CA: Sebastian Press, Belgrade, Institute for Balkan Studies of the SASA (ISBN 978-86-7179-120-5).
  • (2022) (with Dragan Bakić), ‘All things to all people: The Contemporary Readings of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović’, in V. Cvetković and D. Bakić and (eds.), Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović: Old Controversies in Historical and Theological Context, Alhambra, CA: Sebastian Press, Belgrade, Institute for Balkan Studies of the SASA, 9-28 (ISBN 978-86-7179-120-5).
  • (2022) ‘”Nationalism”, “Fascism” and “Anti-Semitism” of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović’ in V. Cvetković and D. Bakić (eds.), Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović: Old Controversies in Historical and Theological Context, Alhambra, CA: Sebastian Press, Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies of the SASA, 195-236 (ISBN 978-86-7179-120-5).
  • (2022) ‘Church Dignitaries and their Disciples: Svetosavlje, Nationalism and Right-Wing Extremism: Nikolaj Velimirović, Justin Popović, Dimitrije Najdanović and Djoko Slijepčević’, in: D. Bakić (ed.), The Serbian Right-Wing Parties and Intellectuals in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 1934–1941, Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies of the SASA, 438-480 (ISBN 978-86-7179-121-2)
  • (2022) ‘The Towers of Jerusalem and Ontological Presuppositions of Creation: Exegesis and Philosophy in Maximus the Confessor’ Quaestiones ad Thalassium’, in: A. Despotis & J. Buchanan Wallace (eds.), Greek and Byzantine Philosophical  Exegesis, Paderborn: Brill/ Schöningh, 244-267. (ISBN: ‎9783506703484)
  • (2022) ‘Nature | Christianity | Patristics and Orthodox Churches’, C.M. Furey et alii (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, vol. 20 Mouse, Mice – Nefesh, 1036-1038 (ISSN: 2193-2840).
  • (2021) Justin Popović: sinteza tradicije i inovacije [Justin Popović: A Synthesis of Tradition and Innovation], Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 492pp (ISBN 978-86-80484-60-0)
  • (2021) ‘The Relationship between the Logos of Well-Being and Modes of Existence in Maximus the Confessor’, in M. Vinzent and S. Mitralexis (eds), Studia Patristica 121/18: Individuality, Knowledge, Virtue and Existence in Maximus the Confessor, Leuven – Paris – Bristol: Peeters, 83-94 (ISBN: 9789042947702).
  • (2021) ‘Re-interpreting Tradition: Maximus the Confessor on Creation in Ambigua ad Ioannem’ in: B. Demulder and P. Van Deun (eds.), Questioning the World. Greek Patristic and Byzantine Question and Answer Literature, Turnhout: Brepols, 147-179 (ISBN: 978-2-503-59075-2).
  • (2021) ‘Eros and Diastema: The Transformation of Desire in St. Gregory of Nyssa’, in: K. Grødum, H.F. Hägg, J. Kaufman and T.T. Tollefsen, Love – Ancient Perspectives, Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 101-121 (ISBN: 978-82-02-72690-4).
  • (2021) ‘Symbols, Icons, Liturgy: Eschatology in the Early Christian Art’, in: H. Van Noorden, H. Marlow & K. Pollmann (eds.), Eschatology in Antiquity: Forms and Functions, New York: Routledge, 554-575 (ISBN-13: 978- 1138208315; -10: 1138208310)
  • (2021) ‘Sex, Gender and Christian Identity in the Patristic Era’, Filozofija i društvoPhilosophy and Society 32/2, 162-176.
  • (2021) ‘Maximus the Confessor’s View on Soul and Body in the Context of Five Divisions’, in: A. Usacheva, J. Ulrich and S. Bhayro (eds.), The Unity of Body and Soul in Patristic and Byzantine Thought, Leiden: Brill, 245-276 (ISBN 978-3-506-70339-2).
  • (2021) ‘The Freedom from Passions and the Freedom for All: St Nicholai Velimirović on Democracy’, Nicholai Studies 1, 53-80 doi: 10.46825/nicholaistudies/ns.2021.1.1.53-80
  • (2021), ‘The Reception of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the 21st century German Academia’, in: M. Knežević (ed.), Philosophоs – Philotheos – Philoponоs: Studies and Essays as Charisteria in Honor of Professor Bogoljub Šijaković on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Belgrade: Gnomon, Podgorica: Matica srpska, 993-1004, (ISBN: 978-86-82050-01-8).
  • (2021) „Izvori za izučavanje ranih ekumenskih pogleda Amfilohija Radovića: Justin Popović” [Sources for the Study of Early Ecumenical Views Amfilohije Radović: Justin Popović], Akropolis: Journal of Hellenic Studies 5, 25-50 (ISSN: 2536-5738).
  • (2021) „Dekonstrukcija episkopocentrizma mitropolita Jovana Ziziulasa ili prologomena za jednu buduću pravoslavnu eklisiologiju: Cyril Hovorun, Scaffolds of the Church: Towards Poststructural Ecclesiology, Eugen, OR: Cascade Books 2017” [Deconstruction of Metropolitan John Ziziоulas’ Episcopocentrism or a Prologomena to a Future Orthodox Ecclesiology], Crkvene studije – Church Studies 18, 127-139  (ISSN 1820-2446).