Hajrudin Hromadžić, Associate Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rijeka, Croatia, spent his research visit at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory from October 2017 to February 2018, as part of his sabbatical year. There he continued with his research activities initiated during a research stay at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICI) in Berlin in spring 2017. The focus of the research was on the social, economic-political and cultural aspects of the phenomena united under the notion of transition, with an emphasis on the specifics of such trends in the former Yugoslavia.

The practical results of the work which began in 2017 have so far been realized through the regular weekly author’s column “Lexicon of Transition”, which is continuously published in the weekly Novosti and on their portal from October 2018 until today. Hromadžić published a scientific paper “Historization of Transition – the Case of (Post) Yugoslav Space” in the journal Social Ecology in early 2020. This multi-year project’s fruition would be a scientific monograph, a book entitled: ABC of post-Yugoslav transition: key concepts and syntagms. The book is scheduled to be published in spring 2022, with Zagreb publisher Disput.

During his study visit, Hajrudin Hromadžić held a public lecture at IFDT entitled “What language does the ‘the so-called transition’ speak?” on November 15, 2017.