Research Fellow

  • (2016) Ph.D. in Theology, Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade
  • (2006) MA in Theology, Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade

Andrej Jeftić (1984) received his master’s degree in theology from the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade in 2009. He received his Ph.D. degree from the same university in 2016 with the doctoral dissertation titled Reception of the Holy Fathers in the Writings of Thomas F. Torrance: Patristic Theology and Contemporary Science.

He worked as a teaching assistant (2010–2016) and as an assistant professor (2016–2022) at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade. He currently works (2022–) as a research assistant at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade.

His research area includes patristic theology and philosophy, theology and science relationship, theology and theory of evolution, systematic theology, contemporary theology, and contemporary Orthodox theology.


Selected publications:

  • Andrej Jeftić, Mikonja Knežević, Rade Kisić, Eds. (2021). Faith and Thought in the Whirpool of Time: International Festchrift for Metropolitan Amfilohije (Radović) and Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić) [Vera i misao u vrtlogu vremena: međunarodni zbornik radova u čast mitropolita Amfilohija (Radovića) i episkopa Atanasija (Jevtića)] Beograd: Pravoslavni bogoslovski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu; Foča: Pravoslavni bogoslovski fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu; Podgorica: Matica srpska – društvo članova u Crnoj Gori.
  • Andrej Jeftić (2021). Systematic and Historical Reading of the Fathers: Case of Thomas F. Torrance. In: Studia Patristica: Papers presented at the Eighteenth Congress on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019, 2021. vol. CXXX. Ed. by Markus Vinzent. Leuven: Peeters Publishers 2021, 563–574.
  • Andrej Jeftić (2021). Did St Gregory Palamas Teach the Development of the Doctrine? Astra Salvensisrevista de istorie si cultura 17: 115–124.
  • Andrej Jeftić (2021). Why don’t mourners do geometry? St Maximus the Confessor and St Gregory the Theologian’s Oration 27 [Zašto se ožalošćeni ne bave geometrijom? Sveti Maksim Ispovjednik i 27. Besjeda Svetog Grigorija Bogoslova]. Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke 177: 79–90.
  • Maksim Vasiljević, Andrej Jeftić, ed. (2017). Synodality: A Forgotten and Misapprehended Vision, Los Angeles: Sebastian Press.
  • Andrej Jeftić, Ed. (2015). Theology in Public Square: Proceedings of the first annual symposium, Trebinje, February 8–10, 2014 [Teologija u javnoj sferi: zbornik radova prvog godišnjeg skupa, Trebinje, 8-10. februar 2014] Trebinje: Manastir Tvrdoš.
  • Andrej Jeftić (2015). Cognitive Apartheid: Neccessity or a Resolvable Issue? [Kognitivni aparthejd: nužnost ili rješiv problem?] In: Srpska teologija u dvadesetom veku: istraživački problemi i rezultati, knj. 17, Zbornik radova naučnog skupa (PBF Beograd, 5. decembar 2014). by B. Šijaković. Beograd: Pravoslavni bogoslovski fakultet, 138–143.
  • Andrej Jeftić (2013). Andrew Newberg’s Model of Neurotheology: A Critical Overview. Philotheos 13: 261–278.