Name and Surname
Polunin Oleksiy (Oleksii)

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

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Short Biography

Oleksiy Polunin is a professor at the department of psychology of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv. The has a PhD in psychology at the National Taras Shevchenko University (Kyiv), and Dr. Sciences degree (Dr.habil) in psychology at the Institute of social and political psychology (Kyiv). The main theme of research is the human time processing, which includes such topics as individual timing mechanism, psychological methods of time studies, the qualitative and quantitative aspects of subjective present time, cognitive coding of time direction, temporal dimension of human experience, mental representation of time flow and decision making. In the last years the philosophical topics, especially on metaphysics of time are of the interest. The current project is on the role of cognitive time representation in causality modelling.

Research abstract

The project belongs to the cognitive science. It combines the philosophical theories of causality within the manipulability approach and the psychological findings on mental representation of time flow. The manipulability approach to causality was chosen because it takes an action as key variable for defining a cause. The goal is to examine how far human cognitive system contributes to variation of a mental representation of cause and effect. As a ground of such variation we take the cognitive representation of time flow. The project answers the question whether and if yes, how far the different mental representations of time flow affect human ability to represent causality; what are the limits of a stable causality representation?