10:00 Dionisios Skliris (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
The notion of divinization in Maximus the Confessor’s Tenth Ambiguum.
10:15 István Perczel (Central European University)
The place of Saint Maximus’ defence of the temporal creation of the world in the doctrinal history of Christian Platonism.
10:30 Aleksandar Djakovac, (University of Belgrade)
Maximus the Confessor and the Corpus Hermeticum: possible connections.
10:45 Endre Hamvas, (ELKH Humanities Research Centre)
The metaphor of the soul’s journey – a Platonic motif in Ambuguum 10.
11:00 Vladimir Cvetkovic (University of Belgrade)
Natural Contemplation: Ambiguum 10.19.
11:15 Torstein Tollefsen (University of Oslo)
Understanding Ambiguum 10.37.
11:30 Miklós Vassányi, (Károli Gáspár University)
Ambiguum 10, Chapter 41: The Infinity of God.