[Lecture] Birthing on the way: childbearing experiences of Afghan refugees en route to the EU through Serbia (SolidCareLab)
Birthing on the way: childbearing experiences of Afghan refugees en route to the EU through Serbia.
Serbia is an established transit country for Afghans who make state-unauthorised overland journeys from Afghanistan to EU member states. For many Afghan women, pregnancy and birth continues while journeying. Research exploring childbearing experiences during migration is scarce, yet is vital to understanding the maternal and newborn health needs of women on the move. Through bringing theoretical approaches of Decolonial Feminism and Critical Border Studies into dialogue, I explore how bordering practices shape Afghan women’s childbearing experiences in Serbia and reveal how Afghan women resist efforts to constrain or decelerate their efforts to seek international protection in EU member states.
Esther Sharma is a UK midwife and worked in the UK National Health Service for 15 years, in clinical and health management roles. She has also worked voluntarily in Afghanistan. Having completed a master’s in public health at the London School of Medicine, she is currently a Doctoral Researcher there, undertaking a PhD study about perinatal experiences of Afghan women in Serbia.