[Manifestation] The Holocaust: the legacy of fascism 7. Culture and/or industry of memory (ShoahLab)
Holocaust: the legacy of fascism is an annual meeting halfway between a scientific conference and a museum-educational event. The theme of this January will be “Culture and/or industry of memory”. We will problematize the relationship between the Holocaust event and its memorialization; the tension between the necessity of its ever-repeating representation and commemoration and the moral propriety of the means by which this is achieved. The “Holocaust industry” is a term that has become established for these contemporary institutional ritualizations and distortions of the Holocaust: for the museum, scientific, media, and even tourist drive that trivializes or falsifies the memory of it. The program includes three blocks: the content of the first is remembering, and the intention is the prevention of the Holocaust and genocide, primarily bearing in mind its current and potential status in education; the central block consists of four lectures, which competently and responsibly respond to the theme of the meeting from their perspective; the end of the program represents a more freely organized conversation between the participants among themselves and with the audience, encouraged by the respective presenters and the moderator.