[Summer school] The Fifth School on Social Engagement and Democracy (ANDEM)
The Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory is organizing the fifth Summer School of Social Engagement and Democracy – ANDEM in the period September, 02 – September, 06 2024.
What is the value of democracy and what models of democracy exist? What is the meaning of the term “engagement” and what is considered an act of engagement? What exactly is meant by the terms common good, well-being and flourishing? What is social and solidarity economy and does this concept live in Serbia today? What is the relationship between radical social change and engagement? What are we talking about when we talk about caring and how does it relate to social engagement? What is the gender we find in the phrase ‘gender equality’ and is it an ideology? What is the role of new social movements in the region in creating more solidary societies? What makes a scientific research socially engaged? How do the notion of engagement, peace and war relate?
Attendees of the Summer School of Social Engagement and Democracy – ANDEM will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge on these important topics through lectures, discussions and practical exercises led by associates of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory.
The Senate of the University of Belgrade accredited ANDEM as a continuous learning program.