Nikolić Sara
Sara Nikolić is an anthropologist and research fellow at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory at the University of Belgrade. She earned her PhD from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade, defending a dissertation titled “Anthropology of New Belgrade Blocks: Urban Dwelling, Creation of Social Spaces, and the New Life of Urban Commons” (2024). During her doctoral studies, she was awarded the prestigious Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship for the academic years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. She is a member of the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) and the Ethno-Anthropological Society of Serbia. Through her research, deeply rooted in critical, visual, and sensory ethnography, Sara examines housing practices, appropriation of space, and urban self-management in post-socialist cities.
Latest publications
- Nikolić, S. (2024). Beyond Vandalism: Gentle Privatism and Graffiti Code of Conduct in Blok 45, Maska (219-220), 62- 79.
- Nikolić, S., Zejnulahović, D., & Janković, M. (2024). I’d Rather Bite My Tongue Off Than Stand with Them: Paralysis of Political Engagement in Serbia. Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 19(1): 239–263.
- Bojanić, S., Ćeriman, J. & Nikolić, S. (2023). Upotreba foto-elicitacije u sociologiji: kontekstualizacija siromaštva i društvene isključenosti. Revija za sociologiju, 53 (3), 429-457.
- Nikolić, S. (2023). Burning Tires, Sauerkraut and Dung: The (Classist) Boundaries of an Olfactory Landscape. Sensory Environmental Relationships: Between Memories of the Past and Imaginings of the Future, 155-173.
- Nikolić. S., Timotijević, J. & Ćurčić, D. (2022). Na šta mislimo kada kažemo…Pravedne stambene politike. Beograd: IFDT i IDESE.
- Iguman, S., Mijatović, N. & Nikolić, S. (2022). ‘Keep Up the Good Work, Za naš Kej!’ Citizen’s Passive Support to the Local Activist Group. Philosophy & Society 33(1): 120-142.