[Lecture] Aleksandra Drecun: Establishing the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia (DigiLab)
🗓 8. April 🕒 12:00pm 🔹 online
DigiLab Lecture: How to innovate in science, from the project about Data Science to establishing the MK Science Foundation and the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Aleksandra Drecun will discuss the challenges of adaptive changes in the system of science and innovation, changes that require both the transformation of institutions and changes in the behavior of individuals, with several examples of institutional reform attempts to support science and innovation in Serbia.
Where there is will, there are ways, even in societies with challenging and long lists of priorities. When you believe that knowledge and solidarity move the world, there is no choice but to dedicate your professional path to spreading them. For that, in addition to good will and enthusiasm, you need similarly motivated allies, willingness to take risks on the path of difficult but necessary changes, and a good network of contacts and confidants around the world, with adequate knowledge and influence, of course.
Lecturer: Aleksandra Drecun, President, Intersection
Moderator: Ljubisa Bojic, research fellow
Organized by the Digital Society Lab (DigiLab)
Aleksandra Drecun is the President of the Center for Science and Innovation “Intersection”, the GM of the MK Science Endowment, the Vice-president of the European Science Engagement Association, and the co-founder of Genial Science. She is an advisor to the World Bank for capital investments, a member of the program committees of the European Commission’s Horizon Europe program for science and innovation, and a member of the Trilateral Commission. He works closely with the US National Science Foundation and the Science Foundation Ireland. She participates in numerous European scientific projects, and especially those focused the topics of responsible research and innovation, data science, gender equality in science, knowledge transfer, innovation, and science egnagement. Aleksandra is a member of the councils of the Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), and the Mathematical Gymnasium, and works closely with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. She was the Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance, the Advisor to the Government of Serbia for the National Investment Plan, and the President of the Management Board of the Belgrade Philharmonic. Aleksandra got the Nikola Tesla and Milutin Milanković awards, the charter of the Mathematical Gymnasium and the Archaeological Institute of SASA, and two October Awards of the City of Belgrade. She is one of the founders of the Women’s Government. A lawyer by education, she completed her postgraduate studies at Harvard University, USA.