Philosophy and society journal’s fourth issue of volume (xxxii/2) has now been released
We are pleased to announce that the new, second issue of volume XXXII of the Philosophy and Society journal is published. This issue of Philosophy and Society features a thematic section entitled “Patristics and gender” as well as original articles on empiricism of Michel Serres, role of phantasie in Husserl’s philosophy, devotion and commitment inside ontology of engagement, degrees on moral status of animals and on critical analysis of social movements in former Yugoslavia. Moreover, this issue also includes an interview with Nicholas Brown, professor at Chicago, University of Illinois.
Philosophy and Society is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal established in 1987 and published quarterly by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. The journal was founded by members of the Belgrade ‘Praxis School’. The journal strives to cover and present key trends in contemporary theory and, at the same time, to encourage research in the fields of philosophy and the humanities. Philosophy and Society has always welcomed contributions from established international academics: from the first issue, which contained articles by A. Wellmer and R. Bernstein, to the most recent volumes with contributions from T. Scanlon, O. Höffe, J.L. Marion, J. Butler, H. Brunkhorst, K. R. Westphal, H. B. Schmid, M. Ferraris, D. Zahavi, P. Cobben, and other renowned philosophers.
Articles appearing in Philosophy and Society are indexed in: Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus, ERIH PLUS, Philosopher’s Index, EBSCO, PhilPapers, ResearchGate, Genamics JournalSeek, Google Scholar, J-Gate, ProQuest, ReadCube, Europeana Collections, Journal Index, Baidu Scholar.