Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference and Camp is the most important international event in the field of studies of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and FĂ©lix Guattari. In 2023 it will be held for the first time in the Balkans, organized by the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory in cooperation with the Faculty of Media and Communications, Serbia and University of Plymouth, England.
The camp will be held from July 3 to 7, and the conference from July 10 to 12. 2023 in Belgrade.
Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference and Camp once a year gather hundreds of participants from all over the world from various fields of humanities, science, as well as artistic and other disciplines. They have a rich history and this is the 15th such gathering in a row.
The theme for the Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference and Camp 2023 is “Space | Control | Resistance”
The official language for the event is English.
We invite all those interested to visit the page with the call for participation, get to know the topic of the event and apply for #DGS2023 via the link at the bottom of the page.
The application deadline is January 22Â Febryary 12 2023.
For all additional information about the event, follow the official DGS2023 website and Facebook event page.