Where Is This Ship Sailing: Theoretical Paths of the Enterprise
Author(s)/Editors Predrag Krstić Publisher Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade Published 2014 ISBN 978-86-82417-73-6 Pages 315 Edition PrudentiaThe adventures of the spaceship Enterprise and the social consequences of its reception are not only a relevant topic, but also an unavoidable reference in numerous scientific and philosophical debates. Insisting on the philosophical potential of sci-fi as embodied ‘thought experiment’, the author presents the topoi Star Trek holds in common with ‘eternal’ metaphysical questions, and provides an overview of their contribution as a different light shed on problems presented. Whether the relation of science and fiction, prediction of the future, racial and colonial discourse of sci-fi visions, or else the moral examination of humankind’s appearance, this thematization displays the capacity of Star Trek to bring us face to face with contemporary epistemological, ethical and metaphysical dilemmas.