Milovanović Aleksandar

Aleksandar Milovanović (born on August 23, 1999 in Kruševac) is a PhD student at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, where he previously completed his undergraduate and master’s studies. His broad area of ​​interest includes developmental psychology, psychology of youth and educational psychology. The topic of the doctoral dissertation is intersubjectivity in education, the influence of the school as an institution on the socio-emotional development of students, the developmental-psychological perspective of empathy and the application of empathy in the educational context. He is a member of the Laboratory for Individual Differences and the Laboratory for Developmental Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy. He is engaged as a Student Mentor on the courses Psychology of Individual Differences, Psychometrics 1 and 2. He has completed an Introductory course in Constructivist psychotherapy, a certificate awarded by the Serbian Constructivist Association in 2021. He is a trainee of the Advanced course in Constructivist psychotherapy, organized by the PLK Center, since September 2023. After working in various educational institutions (Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation, Third Belgrade Grammar School and Elementary School “King Aleksandar I”), he decided to formalize his scientific and research engagement as a Research Assistant at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. He is engaged within the Laboratory of Educational Theories (EduLab) and the Laboratory for Active Citizenship and Democratic Innovations (ActiveLab).

Latest publications

  • Milovanović, A. (2023). Empathy, cognition and personality: Transversal study of cognitive-temperamental constituents of empathy through the prism of Piaget’s conception of development [Master’s thesis, University of Belgrade].
  • Karalić, E., Čaprić, G., Ranđelović, B., & Milovanović, A. (2023). Kvalitet nastave čitalačke pismenosti i postignuća učenika: PIRLS 2021 [Oral presentation]. Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksa. PIRLS 2021: Rezultati i implikacije, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 33.
  • Milovanović, A., Filipović, A., Đukić, A., Nedeljković, B., Lazarević, Lj. B., Kušić, M., Knežević, G. (2023). Is Auto-chauvinism a measurable psychological construct? [Oral Presentation]. XXIX scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology, Belgrade, Serbia. p. 60-61.
  • Filipović, A., Milovanović, A., Đukić, A., Nedeljković, B., Lazarević, Lj. B., Kušić, M., Knežević, G. (2023). There is no one worse than us: The construct validity of the Ingroup criticism scale. [Oral Presentation]. XXIX scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology, Belgrade, Serbia. p. 61-62.
  • Milovanović, A., & Pešić, A. (2023). In search of explanation of violent behavior: A mediating model of personality traits, empathy and bullying. [Oral presentation]. XXIX scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology, Belgrade, Serbia. p. 73.