Perunović Andrea

Andrea Perunović (1989) is a research fellow at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. He started his PhD studies in the Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought division of the European Graduate School (Saas-Fee, Switzerland) and obtained his doctoral degree in Philosophy from the University Paris 8 (Saint-Denis, France). His dissertation (directed by François Noudelmann) is entitled: Archéologie de la confiance: prolégomènes d’une pensée défiante (Archeology of trust: prolegomena of a distrustful thought). His current research focuses on intersectional spaces between philosophy, psychoanalytic theory and contemporary francophone thought.

Latest publications

  • (2024) with Bojanić, P. “Derrida’s Counter-Institution and its Ethics of Promise and Responsibility” Journal of the Theoretical Humanities (forthcoming).
  • (2023) “From “Balkanized” Universal(s) to Archipelagic Multiverse”, in (Eds.) Barria-Asenjo, N., Žižek, S., Willems, B. Global Manifestos for the Twenty-First Century: Rethinking Culture, Common Struggles, and Future Change, London: Routledge.
  • (2023) “Mistrust and Political Jouissance: From a ‘Tickle’ to the ‘Blaze of Petrol’” in (Eds.) Barria-Asenjo, N., Žižek, S., Modalities of Political Jouissance, London: Bloomsbury.
  • (2023) “Political Jouissance and the Vicissitudes of Mistrust” in (Eds.) Barria-Asenjo, N., Žižek, S, Psychoanalysis Between Philosophy and Politics, Split: LOOK Publications of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Split and Multimedia Cultural Centre Split.
  • (2023) with Barria-Asenjo, N., Žižek, S., Willems B., Balotol Jr. R., Salas, G., Caycho-Rodríguez T. “The Cinematic Daydream as a Tool of Political Emancipation: Plus-de-Jouir, Aufhebung and the ParallaxBajo Palabra, Revista de filosofia, Vol. II, No. 32, p. 37-56.
  • (2021) “From Devotion to Commitment: Towards a Critical Ontology of Engagement”, Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 2021, 32 (2), p. 261-281.
  • (2021) “Subject and (Post)Truth Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: An Interview with Alenka Zupančič” Filozofija i društvo, 2021, 32 (4), p. 757-769.
  • (2021) “Pocepani portret subjekta poverenja: Frojd i Sartr”, Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva, 2 (1), p. 3-17.
  • (2020) “#NousSommes: refondation onto-axiologique de la confiance” in (Eds.) O Fathaigh C., Cronin, S., Ropek Hewson, S. #Noussommes: Collectivity and the Digital in French Thought and Culture, Oxford: Peter Lang.