Urošević Milan

Milan Urošević is a research fellow at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade and a professor of Sociology of Culture at the Faculty for Musical Arts of the University of Arts in Belgrade. He got his PhD in Sociology from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade. The topic of his dissertation was “Self-help culture as a Technology of the Self: The Discourse Analysis of Contemporary Self-Help Manuals”. He published in journals like Sociology, Sociological Review, Problems in Ethnology and Anthropology, Culture, Philosophy and Society.

Latest publications

  • Urošević, Milan. 2022, „Politics and Theory – ‘Three Forms of Politicization of Method’, Neoliberalism and The Turn Towards Studying Subjectivity in The Work of Michel Foucault“, Etnoantropološki problemi n.s. god. 17 sv. 2: 741–770, https://doi.org/10.21301/eap.v17i2.12
  • Urošević, Milan. 2023. „Policis of critique – On the socio-politically engagen dimension of Foucault’s methodology“, Srpska politička misao. vol. 79,  br. 1: 163–187, https://doi.org/10.5937/spm79-42698
  • Urošević, Milan. 2021, „Rules of Practices: On the Methodology in the Work of Michel Foucault“, Etnoantropološki problemi n.s. god. 16 sv. 1: 283-302 https://doi.org/10.21301/eap.v16i1.12
  • Urošević, Milan. 2021, „Postmodern Culture as a Social Logic of Neoliberalism“ (Postmoderna kultura kao socijalna logika neoliberalnog kapitalizma), Kultura, br. 170/171: 45–60, 10.5937/kultura2171045U