[Seminar] Materiality: space, practices, symbols (PerspectLab)
Materiality has long been understood in terms of the material basis of social life, physical objects and material conditions of life – as what is given, what limits and determines. Throughout the history of ideas, philosophical materialism has long been opposed to idealism, as the opposite of the world of spirit, ideas and symbols, while culture and ideology have been thought of as symbolic, as opposed to material. However, during the previous decades, the social sciences and humanities experienced a “material turn”. In this way, the focus was returned to the importance of materiality in the reflection and analysis of social reality and practice, including the materiality of symbolic formations such as ideology, culture and art.
The Laboratory for Theory, Creation and Politics of Space organises the seminar Materiality: space, practice, symbols. Through discussion and individual presentations, the researchers gathered around this laboratory will jointly reflect on various conceptions of materiality and the study of the material. The goal of the event is the presentation of the laboratory’s interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work through reflection and research on the materiality of space, practices and symbols.
The seminar is organised in two panel sessions, during which PerspectLab researchers will share their theoretical and empirical research on the concept of materiality. These topics will be approached through the prism of philosophy, architecture, studies of material culture, and (im)material heritage, anthropology, and art history.
Focusing on materiality, through this seminar PerspectLab invites a collective reflection on:
- the material basis of our social reality
- materiality of cultural heritage
- the materiality of housing/dwelling practices
- materials used to produce our cities, works of art and buildings
- the materiality of socio-spatial practices from antiquity to modern times
Panel discussions are open to the audience who will be invited to join the discussions.
Participants: Željko Radinković, Zoran Erić, Sanja Iguman Glušac, Davor Ereš, Tamara Plećaš, Miloš Ćipranić, Milica Mađanović and Sara Nikolić.
The seminar will be moderated by Dušanka Milosavljević.