What We Mean when We Say … A New Education System
Author(s)/Editors Milica Sekulović , Olga Nikolić Publisher Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe, Belgrade Published 2021 ISBN 978-86-80484-66-2 Pages 18 Edition SquareIn this text the authors present possible solutions for the state of modern education in Serbia. The authors depart from the following theses: 1) the basic social problem is not neoliberalism as an ideology but capital, camouflaged by that ideology, and 2) traditional critical pedagogy no longer has critical potential because it has become integrated into the neoliberal camouflage of capital. From these theses, the authors postulate a new critical pedagogy, which would not be aimed only at exposing power relations, nor localized at the classroom, school or program level, but would be directly aimed at analyzing the destructive effects of capital and social reproduction in education. Since capital is in crisis and generates crises, the authors put forward a thesis on crisis pedagogy, based on hate pedagogy and rebellion pedagogy. Such pedagogy could be described as revolutionary critical pedagogy, with some representatives of the critical pedagogy school (McLaren) having already done so.