Michael Walzer is a professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS, Princeton, New Jersey). He received his doctorate from Harvard. During his rich career, he taught at Princeton University and at Harvard. He is a co-editor of the journal about politics and culture Dissent. He has published 27 books mainly on political ethics, including topics…
Giuliano Torrengo is a member of Logos Group at the University of Barcelona and of Labont at the University of Torino. He has a PhD in Philosophy of Language at the University of Western Piedmont. His main current theme of research is the metaphysics of time, but he is interested also in the ontology of social reality…
Rosemarie Tong is Distinguished Professor of Health Care Ethics at the University of North Carolina. She taught at Williams College from 1978 to 1988 and was Olmstead Visiting Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies at Lafayette College in 1993. She was selected as the 1986 National Professor of the Year by the Council for Advancement and…
Volfgang Štrek (Wolfgang Streeck), rođen 1946, je direktor emeritus Instituta Maks Plank za izučavanje društava u Kelnu. Bio je profesor sociologije na Univerzitetu u Kelnu, kao i profesor sociologije i industrijskih odnosa na Univerzitetu Viskonsin, Medison. Prethodno je predavao na univerzitetima u Frankfurtu, Njujorku, Minsteru, Firenci, Berlinu i mnogim drugim. Volfgang Štrek je počasni član…
Uve Stainhof je bio naučni saradnik na Liverhjum (Leverhulme) programu na Oksfordu koji se bavio proučavanjem promenljivog karaktera rata. Kao istraživač je radio i za oksfordski Uehiro centar za praktičnu etiku, kao i za Centar za proučavanje društvene pravde. Studirao je filozofiju u Frankfurtu, Berlinu i Virzburgu. Pre dolaska na Oksford predavao je filozofiju na Humbolt…
Daniel Statman je profesor filozofije na Univerzitetu u Haifi, Izrael. Osnovne sfere interesovanja su mu etika, moralna psihologija, filozofija prava i jevrejska filozofija. Autor je knjiga: Moral Dilemmas, Value Inquiry Book Series, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. Religion and Morality, Value Inquiry Book Series, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. Guest lectures
Nancy Sherman je profesorka filozofije na univerzitetu Georgetown i saradnica na Kennedy institutu za etiku. Doktorirala je na Harvardu. Bavi se vojnom etikom i česti je konsultant U.S. Armed Forces. Među njenima delima nalaze se i: „Neizgovoreni rat: unutar srca, uma i duša vojnika“ (The Untold War: Inside the Hearts, Minds, and Souls of our Soldiers),…
Seth Lazar is an Associate Professor, and Head of the School of Philosophy, in the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University. He writes on topics in political philosophy, and normative and applied ethics. His current research project focuses on how deontologists (roughly, people who think that morality is fundamentally about rights and…
Cheney Ryan’s principal area of interest is political philosophy, but he also works on issues in philosophy of law, ethical theory, and philosophy of film. His main concern at the moment is understanding the amount of violence in the world and thinking about the ways to transcend it. But questions of war and peace cannot…