Jean-François Kervégan is a professor at the University Institute of France (l’Institut universitaire de France) as well as at the University of Paris 1 / Panthéon-Sorbonne. He was president of the French Society for Philosophy and Legal and Political Theory. His work primarily covers the following areas: classical German philosophy (where he mostly deals with Hegel and Kant), political philosophy and philosophy of law. He is the author of several notable books on Hegel (Hegel, Carl Schmitt. Le politique entre speculation et positivité PUF, “Léviathan”, 1992, Hegel et l’hegélianisme PUF, “Que sais-je?”, 2005, L’Effectif et le rationnel Hegel et l’esprit objectif Vrin, “Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie”, 2008).