Roberto Esposito is a professor of philosophy and assistant director at the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane. In addition, he is one of the editors of the magazine Filosofia Politica, one of the founders of the European Political Dictionary, an international research center for legal and political language in Bologna (Centro per la Ricerca sul Lessico Politico Europeo), and he is a correspondent for the political philosophy magazine MicroMega. His main interest currently is biopolitics in contemporary philosophy. In his work he analyzes philosophical and political terms, and combines them with contemporary historical and theoretical political positions. His best known work is the trilogy Communitas, Immunitas, and Bios, dedicated to the thought of Jean-Luc Nancy, with whom he collaborated. The book considers questions of the disappearance of the community, its sustaining through protection (immunitas), and biopolitics seen from the perspective of immunitas (as a “negative protection of life”). His most recent book (Pensiero vivente. Origine e attualità della filosofia italiana, 2010) deals with trends in contemporary Italian philosophy, its difference from other philosophy cultures, and the possibility of surpassing these limits.